BGF Code of Conduct Policy


This policy (Code of Conduct) must be observed by all volunteers, staff and any associate/ partners working with or for Beyond a Generation – Ghana.


1.1 The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his assignee will screen staff, volunteers and partners regularly involved with children, youth and other members of the community as a result of their involvement with the organization as a whole.

1.2 The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his assignee, will screen other volunteers and staff based upon their role in the organization through face-to-face or other means as so requires.

1.3 A Volunteer Information form will be completed prior to the volunteer working with Beyond a Generation – Ghana.

1.4 An Employment form will be completed with an application letter for the role an individual is seeking to fill before working with Beyond a Generation – Ghana.

1.5 The CEO or Committee chairs or their designee will ensure forms are distributed and collected according to policy.

1.6 Completed forms will be submitted to the CEO of Beyond a Generation – Ghana.

1.7 The chief executive officer shall ensure persons are screened for previous criminal convictions/ records.

1.8 Persons found to have conviction(s) and/or to have pled guilty to crimes involving harm to another will not be allowed to continue as a staff, volunteer and/ or partner.

1.9 Other criminal convictions will be evaluated in relation to the role the volunteer or staff member fulfills.

1.10 Any staff, volunteer or partner who commits any criminal offence during his time working with the organization shall be held liable and the appropriate laws shall apply.

1.11 Beyond a Generation – Ghana, shall at its discretion issue volunteer and/ or Staff identity cards.


2.1. Discipline and respect are to be ensured at all times by staff, volunteers, members and beneficiaries of programs and policies

2.2. Unnecessary conversations, criticism, insinuations and/ or misconduct shall not be allowed at any time, or by anyone working with Beyond a Generation – Ghana.

2.3. All ground work shall be done by all members unless otherwise assigned to specific person(s).

2.4. Staff or person(s) shall not use the name or any items of the organization to seek funds or favour of any sort for personal gains.

2.5. All staff, volunteers and partners shall by virtue of their work for the organization swear an oath of confidentiality.

2.6. Appointed staff shall be on contract terms for periods determined by the Board and subject to renewal or termination by the Chief Executive Officer.

2.7. All volunteers, staff and members shall be present and support during ongoing projects, programs and fundraising events.

2.8. Any member found stealing and/ or to have stolen properties of the organization shall be made to pay for the value of the said property, prosecuted, and sacked and/ or a combination of any such sanction.


Members shall be expected to share the following values:

3.1 Development of the potential of each person in an atmosphere characterized by love, respect and creativity.

3.2 Advocate and promote the rights of vulnerable persons and their families.

3.3 Foster partnership and collaboration.

3.4 Demonstrate integrity through honesty, civility, and fairness.

3.5 Embrace the diversity of individuals, ideas, and expressions.

3.6 Exercise stewardship of our noble community.


You agree that;

4.1 as a condition of employment, volunteer; you agree to keep confidential all information that may in the least possible way potentially even place any negative connotation whatsoever in the least to Beyond a Generation – Ghana, staff, volunteers, partners or anyone else associated with the organization during and after my work with or any partner or person associated with them.

4.2 you will never share any information or idea that you may have heard, known, read, discussed or believe of Beyond a Generation – Ghana, its partners or any other group, business, organization, entity or person associated with the Beyond a Generation – Ghana; without first receiving the express written permission listing you by name on the specific topic in question from the Board of Directors at a general meeting with a unanimous decision to grant your request.

4.3 you will respect all confidential information about any sponsored child, family, or staff member.

Staff, family and child information is to be shared only with other paid staffs that need the information in the performance of their duties to fulfill the organizational missions.

4.4 you agree to not work in the same or similar field as you are currently working or anything remotely similar to the work Beyond a Generation – Ghana or anyone associated with us.

4.5 you agree to never disclose information on any child or family member outside the program

without a signed release by the CEO.

4.6 you understand that parents have access to their child’s generated records upon request to the classroom teacher or to a member of Beyond a Generation – Ghana Team Leaders as or upon approval by the CEO.


Respect for human dignity in a safe and secured environment enhances collaboration and the achievement of set mission goals.

5.1 Beyond a Generation – Ghana, staff, volunteers and partners affirm that the harassment of any volunteer, staff, child, and beneficiaries of programs with regard to sex, race, national origin, religion, handicap, sexual orientation or other reasons violates the philosophy and goals inherent in Human Rights and is prohibited at all times.

5.2 Sexual harassment includes but not limited to; repeated offensive or unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, obscene jokes, or graphic material displayed.

5.3 Sexual harassment will not be tolerated and any staff, volunteer or partner who experiences this should bring their complaint to either their director, any supervisor, committee chairperson or the Chief Executive Officer.

5.4 The appropriate sanctions shall be applied of reported sexual harassment including but not limited to counselling, termination of contract and prosecution.


When welfare concerns of children, volunteers, staff and other partners come to your attention;

6.1 Take seriously any suspicion or allegation of abuse, or any disclosure of concern made by the victim or witness.

6.2 Report to the immediate supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.

6.3 Report any concerns within the area of Child Protection (physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect or bullying), in confidence and without delay.

6.4 The Chief Executive Officer or his assignee shall ensure all concerns of parties involved are resolved amicably.

6.5 In the event that there is an immediate risk, the Supervisor or Chief Executive Officer shall inform the Board of Directors where in collaboration with the legal aid/ counsel ensure concerns are addressed.


7.1 No staff member or volunteer shall speak on behalf of Beyond a Generation – Ghana, or any partner unless they have written authority given by Chief Executive Officer. All communications shall be directed to the Chief Executive Officer or his assignee.

7.2 Staff members and volunteers shall take care to protect the integrity of any programs at all times.

7.3 Staff, volunteers and governing body members shall always conduct their assigned roles in a manner that does not conflict with the public interest and dignity of the individual, and with respect and commitment for the rights of vulnerable children, persons with disabilities, parents, staff, and program communities in accordance with applicable law.

7.4 As per policy, staff and volunteers are prohibited from accepting any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind, directly or indirectly from vendors, suppliers, venues or contact persons of any level which may affect their judgments or decisions.


Staff, volunteers and workers violating this CODE OF CONDUCT will be subject to disciplinary procedures from the administration, its partners and applicable law.

8.1 Disciplinary actions for staff can include: discipline (counseling or other employment action); sanctions (oral or written warning, temporary reduction in pay, probation, suspension with or without pay), and termination of contract or dismissal with or without pay.

8.2 Legal action, reasonably determined at the time through the leadership stated above or any potential financial damages resulting in action.

8.3 Such a person or group of persons could also be subject to civil and legal penalties in addition to anything listed above.