BGF Child Protection Policy


The following document is intended to be a guide of understanding and appropriate behaviour for people who work on any level with children at Beyond a Generation – Ghana or partner programs intended to be teaching/learning/ empowerment programs. There may be travel and/or overnight stays to out of town workshops, conferences or competitions, excursions and other programs.

All who work with minors (children/ young persons) and their parents/guardians shall receive a copy of this Child Protection Policy and the Beyond a Generation – Ghana code of conduct and sign an acknowledgement of receipt. Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to participate in programs or volunteer in programs that involve their children.



When working with children, all staff, volunteers and partners must;

1.1 treat all children equally, with respect and dignity ensuring the welfare, care and safety needs of a child is first and foremost.

1.2 at all times, always work in an open environment, avoiding unobserved situations with any child or children.

1.3 at all times ensure other adults are around when working with children.

1.4 be a good role model, avoiding smoking, drinking or use of offensive language on children or in front of children.

1.5 ensure that you meet children at the office or designated public places.

1.6 give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism or sarcasm where it may cause a child to lose self-esteem or confidence.

1.7 ensure that if any form of manual or physical contact is required during an activity that the child is informed of what is required and their consent is obtained.

1.8 never be nude (or in any state of undress) in the presence of children.

1.9 staff, volunteers, interns are prohibited from possessing sexually oriented materials (magazines, cards, videos, books, film, clothing, music, cd’s, dvd’s, etc.), or accessing similar materials on the internet.

   avoid such conduct with children as tickling, ‘bullback’ rides, any type of massage, back scratching, any form of unwanted affection and remarks that refer to physique or body development.


All staff, volunteers and partners must ensure that;

2.1 they obtain written parental consent if you are required to transport a child/ children in your car and/ or on a trip.

2.2 when on trips away from home you do not share a room with a child or enter their room other than in an emergency, unless it has been agreed that the child/ children require additional support or supervision.

2.3 in the case of 2.2 above; adults of the same gender share room with children not less than one at a time.

2.4 if children have to be supervised in changing rooms; ensure you work in pairs. Ensure that if mixed groups of children are taken on trips that they are accompanied by a male and female staff/volunteer/helper always.

2.5 children are to be transported directly to their destination. Except stops for gas/ fuel, meals, or restroom breaks when going to out-of-town programs, no unauthorized side trips or stops are to be made.

2.6 drivers who transport must have a valid driver’s license and valid current vehicle insurance and must be of good behavior at all times on the road and off the road.

2.7 dressing rooms for children shall be separate from those of adults ( staff, volunteers or interns).  Dressing rooms shall be segregated by gender.

2.8 two adults of the same gender as the children supervise dressing rooms for all children.


Staff, volunteers, and interns must;

Staff, volunteers, interns must;

3.1 involve children in the rule-making process to set clear and reasonable rules and apply them consistently.

3.2 give children equal opportunities to ask questions, make decisions, and solve their own problems, using their own words.

3.3 do not engage in corporal punishment, emotional or physical abuse, humiliation, or any discipline that involves isolation or denial of a child’s basic needs.

3.4 never use food as punishment.

3.5 participate in training and mentoring to learn and refine appropriate disciplinary techniques.


3.6 Adults must ensure that the activities which they direct or advocate are appropriate to the age, maturity and ability of the children or young person.

3.7 Adults must never engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games.

3.8 Never allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching, nor make sexually suggestive comments to a child.

3.9 Staff, volunteers or partners must act on any allegation (s) made by a child; report immediately any suspicion that a child could be at risk of harm or abuse to the chief executive officer or his assignee.

3.10 As much as possible, allow children, young persons to do things they can do by themselves. It enhance learning.

3.11 Staff, volunteers or partners shall never form inappropriate emotional or physical relationships with children or young persons.

3.12 No staff, volunteer or partner shall accept or give expensive gifts from children, young persons without prior written approval from the CEO.

3.13 If you accidentally cause distress in any manner to a child (ren) or the child appears to be sexually aroused by any action, misunderstanding or misinterprets something you have done, report the incident immediately to your supervisor or the CEO.



4.1 All staff, volunteers, partners who break any part of this policy shall be counseled as first time offenders or appropriate sanctions shall apply in accordance with existing laws.

4.2 All staff, volunteers or partners who place a child in harm’s or a child at risk of harm will be asked to stop working with the children, young persons and will be referred to the Board of Directors to determine whether to take legal action.

These policies shall be adhered to by all volunteers, staff, interns and partners working for and with Beyond a Generation – Ghana.

Definition of terms
  1. A child/ minor, young person is defined as anyone under the age of 18.
  2. A staff, volunteer, or intern is defined as a person aged 18 or older and described as a “worker” with any other adult associated with children.
  3. Physical abuse is non-accidental injury that is intentionally inflicted upon a child.
  4. Sexual abuse is any contact of a sexual nature that occurs between a minor and an adult. This includes any activity that is meant to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of an adult (an adult is defined in this case as anyone 18 or older).
  5. Verbal abuse is defined as any language whose intent is to demean, humiliate, threaten or punish a child/youth.